Dodge is a simple game where your goal is to steer a ball from one edge of the screen to the other, avoiding a swarm of enemy dots. Every time you reach the goal, the level goes up and more dots arrive. Supports control via tilt, touchscreen, and d-pad.
Completely free, no ads and no permissions required. Source code is available at
Dodge adalah permainan sederhana di mana tujuan Anda adalah untuk mengarahkan bola dari satu sisi layar untuk yang lain, menghindari segerombolan titik musuh. Setiap kali Anda mencapai tujuan, tingkat naik dan lebih titik tiba. Mendukung kontrol melalui tilt, touchscreen, dan d-pad.
Benar-benar gratis, tidak ada iklan dan tidak ada izin yang diperlukan. Source code tersedia di
Dodge is a simple game where your goal is to steer a ball from one edge of the screen to the other, avoiding a swarm of enemy dots. Every time you reach the goal, the level goes up and more dots arrive. Supports control via tilt, touchscreen, and d-pad.
Completely free, no ads and no permissions required. Source code is available at